MDB writes:  I often have people tell me they wish they could do more, that they don’t own horses, that they “only” advocate via networking, and their key board.

So as I was reading the following post by Wendy Thomson, I was thinking about so many of you who are tireless with your networking efforts, who make a HUGE difference when it comes to advocating for euqines in need, whether you own horses or not.

THANK YOU for being YOU!  Please don’t say “only”.

Thank you for sharing via your social media accounts and for educating others as to what is going on with horse slaughter in Canada and beyond.  

Thank you for raising awareness about horses in need.  

Thank you for helping to raise funds to support rescue efforts.  

On average each Facebook user has 300 friends, so if you are among the camp who are sharing and spreading the word about causes you care about on Facebook, keep in mind that each time you post, there is the possibility of, on average  300 people seeing your post, and being educated about “your” cause.

Then as even one or two of your friends share your post,  each of their on average 300 friends have the potential to see the post, and what if even just one or two of their friends share, and so forth and so on – well you can do the math!.

Now add in your Twitter account, your Instagram account, your Pinterest account and well hopefully you get the idea.  There is tremendous power in overlapping circles of influence and using your keyboard to advocate for the causes you care about.

I’ve pulled a few quotes from the post by Wendy.

Wendy Thomson writes:

Think twice before leveling accusations of ‘nothing but a keyboard warrior.’

You’d be amazed how much rescue advocates can accomplish on behalf of at-risk horses, without a barn full of their own horses to care for. All it takes is a love of animals and a passion to help rescue them. The more we expand our rescue army even beyond the horse world, the safer our horses will be.


Later in her post she writes:

Every educational conversation is worth its weight in gold that warns owners of the dangers when transitioning their horse – both at auction where too many are sold for their meat or even giving a horse away without a contract. The horses suffer the consequences of our misplaced trust every time.


A bit further down Wendy writes:

What we do not need is infighting. I’m often accused of having no value, because I own no horses. If it weren’t for a friend’s pull of six horses from a feedlot, I wouldn’t have joined rescue networking and horse advocacy. I had no awareness that American horses were still slaughtered. Once learned it had to be acted upon – we all have these stories, we all have value.


Wendy ends her post with:

So many things can be done on behalf of our horses, especially by those of us not in a barn all day. Every front line team effort needs an entourage and helpers, so don’t dismiss keyboard warriors – horses need us all. 

And to every one else, if you’d like to  learn how you can lock arms with us and use social media to be an even greater force for good…

Please reach out on any of our social media accounts, or here.

Oh, and please feel free to join us on our social media accounts…

Actor Kate Drummond wears this shirt saves horses' lives t-shirt


You've seen actor Kate Drummond wear it, along with other celebs...

LIMITED TIME OFFER - TIME IS RUNNING OUT to purchase t-shirts in support of Horse Rescue Fund.  

Get yours before it's too late!


HORSE RESCUE FUND is a Canada-wide federally registered not-for-profit.

Our 50/50 cash jackpots are returning soon!  


We're incredibly thankful to all those who regularly skip a coffee and instead donate to help feed horses and other equines in need.  

From the bottom of our hearts - we thank you! 


An amazing Canadian company that ships free within Canada and the United States has generously offered us a percentage of sales of their eco-friendly products - WHEN anyone purchases through this specific link...

There's a good chance you'll recognize this company.  They are setting growth and sales records because their products are not only eco-friendly, they work - REALLY well. 



ACTOR  MICHELLE NOLDEN DONATES TO HELP HORSES    FROM THE CBC WEBSITE:  Michelle Nolden was born in Brantford, Ontario. Her memorable performances in critically acclaimed television productions and independent film features have earned her an international reputation....

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ACTOR | DIRECTOR  RACHAEL ANCHERIL DONATES TO HELP HORSES - AGAIN!   We know you recoginze Rachael Ancheril.  Her credits are a mile long, both in front of and behind the camera. Currently you will find her on the TV show Nurses, you'll recognize her from Star Trek...

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ACTOR  KATE DRUMMOND DONATES TO HELP HORSES - AGAIN!   Kate Drummond is currently starring in Utopia Falls on Hulu and CBC Television Gem. Fans of the TV show Wynonna Earp will recognize Kate Drummond because she played Agent Lucado. In addition she’s starred in Being...

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P.S.  We follow back as quickly as possible!

Horse Rescue Fund | 2467863 Alberta Society
is a registered foundation at the federal level with the
Canada Revenue Agency and as such, we can issue receipts for donations received starting January 2023.  You can confirm our official status here.

Business/Registration number: 798022307 RR 0001

Horse Rescue Fund .org is not responsible for the content provided within the websites listed on this site.  If you have questions regarding any of the websites you visit, please contact the individual site.

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